Woodtherapy Course Book Woodtherapyuk Woodtherapy UK operates as one of our foreign branches created by the prominent company Maderoterapia España. This subsidiary was created with the aim of bringing our teaching method to all corners of the UK. Welcome to Woodtherapy Uk! Known as Maderotherapy or Wood Therapy, is a technique for performing an intense, but non-invasive massage, using several wooden tools of different shapes and sizes. These wood instruments are designed to adapt to our body figure, having each one of them distinct purposes. This treatment provides numerous benefits for health and aesthetic purposes, promoting wellbeing to the patient. Woodtherapy What is Woodtherapy? As it is a non-invasive procedure it is possible to obtain extraordinary results as the wooden elements and the therapist's hands work together as one - this way this technique also ends up protecting the beautician's joints, since the pressures exerted are carried out by the tools. Through this natural method it is possible to help reduce stress levels, activate cell renewal, firm, tone, treat cellulite, reduce fat deposits, shape our body and relieve muscle pain. Since it ́ s regarded a holistic technique, it distinguishes by providing energetic stimulation and deep relaxation, acting on the body's chakras, promoting well-being and tranquillity, ensuring a perfect synergy between mind, body and spirit. 1 2 3 4 This treatment is aimed at patients who prefer to avoid procedures with aesthetic devices. Wood Therapy treatment within the wellness sector does not exist only with the purpose of helping the patient at a therapeutic level. As mentioned earlier, this technique also becomes a method that helps the therapist who performs the massage, since it reduces physical fatigue and avoids problems, such as joints contractures. In addition, it also prevents the beautician's hands from heating up, protecting them against energy blockages. The treatment consists of approximately 15 sessions, however, for this therapy to be whole, we remind you to inform the patient that it is important to complement it with a healthy diet and daily exercise. Nowadays, being a natural and non-invasive method used and applied in numerous aesthetic and beauty salons, often the main goal is to reaffirm and model the patient body figure. Each session lasts between 50 and 90 minutes depending on the needs of each patient and with a time of approximately 20 minutes for each area of the body. Wood Therapy sessions begin with a massage that allows you to prepare the skin and direct the accumulated body fat. Afterwards, the therapist must apply essential oils with reducing properties and massage the patient with the help of the wooden tools. In each wood therapy session, it is very important to identify the wooden utensils to be used, always depending on the treatment to be performed in each area of the patient body. We can ́t determine the precise date of the emergence of this technique, but there is evidence that thousands of years ago in Eastern cultures a wide variety of wooden utensils were used for therapeutic purposes. History of Wood Therapy We remind that in Eastern philosophy the theory of the five elements of nature prevails: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood - basic elements that represent the energy of nature (Qì), the vital energy. With them, various treatments for physical and mental recovery were performed, including treatments for muscle pain and energy imbalances. These materials were initially rustic and heavy, and although they helped, at the time of application they caused difficulties for those who applied them due to the shape and weight of the wood. Later, in the late 1990s, specialists from Colombia, after several years of study in the field of alternative therapies, gave new life to this ancient technique. They began to develop wooden instruments more suited to the anatomy of the body, allowing them to be used directly on the patient's skin with greater ease and comfort. Wood therapy in those times and presently consists of performing a massage using a variety of wooden utensils of different sizes and shapes, specially designed to adapt to the different areas of our bodies. For the Asian community, wood represents the primary force for living and growing. Likewise, wood had a great meaning for shamans of other cultures, as it was believed that trees are a life form of energy.
Woodtherapy Knjiga kurseva Woodtherapyuk Woodtherapy UK posluje kao jedna od naših stranih podružnica kreirana od strane istaknute kompanije Maderoterapia España. Ova podružnica je nastala sa ciljem da dovede naše nastavne metode u svim krajevima UK. Dobrodošli u Woodtherapy Uk! Poznata kao Maderoterapija ili Terapija Drvom, je tehnika za izvođenje intenzivnog, ali neinvazivna masaža, korištenjem nekoliko drvenih alata različitih oblika i veličina. Ovi drveni instrumenti su dizajnirani da se prilagode našoj figuri tijela, imaju svaki od njih njihove različite svrhe. Ovaj tretman pruža brojne prednosti za zdravlje i estetske svrhe, promicanje dobrobiti pacijenta. Woodtherapy Šta je Woodtherapy? Kako se radi o neinvazivnoj proceduri moguće je dobiti izvanredne rezultate kao drveni elementi i terapeutove ruke rade zajedno kao jedna - na ovaj način tehnika na kraju štiti i zglobove kozmetičarke, budući da se pritisci vrše pomoću alata. Ovom prirodnom metodom je moguće pomoći u smanjenju nivoa stresa, aktivirati obnavljanje ćelija, učvrstiti, tonirati, tretirati celulit, smanjiti masne naslage, oblikovati naše tijela i ublažava bolove u mišićima.Pošto je ́ se smatra holističkom tehnikom, razlikuje se pružajući energetsku stimulaciju i duboku relaksaciju, djelujući na čakre u tijelu, podstičući dobrobit i spokoj, osiguravajući savršenu sinergiju između uma, tijelo i duh. 1 2 3 4 Ovaj tretman je namenjen pacijentima koji radije izbjegavajte estetske procedure uređaja. Tretman Wood Therapy u okviru wellness sektora ne postoji samo u svrhu pomaganje pacijentu u a terapijski nivo. Kao što je ranije spomenuto, ova tehnika također postaje metoda koja pomaže terapeut koji izvodi masažu, jer smanjuje fizički umor i izbjegava probleme, kao što su kontrakture zglobova. Osim toga, to također sprečava zagrevanje ruku kozmetičarke, štiteći ih od energetskih blokada. Tretman se sastoji od otprilike 15 sesija, međutim, da bi ova terapija bila cjelovita, podsjećamo vas da obavijestite pacijentu da ga je važno upotpuniti zdravom prehranom i svakodnevnim vježbanjem. Danas kao prirodna i neinvazivna metoda koja se koristi i primjenjuje u brojnim estetikama i kozmetički saloni, često je glavni cilj reafirmacija i modeliranje tjelesne figure pacijenta. Svaka sesija traje između 50 i 90 minuta ovisno o potrebama svakog pacijenta i sa vremenom od otprilike 20 minuta za svakog oblasti tela.Sesije Wood Therapy započinju masažom koja vam omogućava da pripremite kožu i usmjerite nagomilanog tela debeo. Nakon toga, terapeut mora nanijeti eterična ulja sa redukcijskim svojstvima i masirati pacijenta uz pomoć od drvenih alata. U svakoj sesiji terapije drvetom vrlo je važno identificirati drveni pribor koji će se koristiti, uvek zavisi od tretman koji se izvodi u svakom dijelu pacijentovog tijela. Možemo ́ ne može se odrediti tačan datum pojave ove tehnike, ali postoje dokazi da hiljade godine u istočnjačkim kulturama koristio se širok izbor drvenog pribora za terapiju svrhe. Istorija terapije drvom Podsjećamo da u istočnoj filozofiji prevladava teorija o pet elemenata prirode: vatri, zemlja, metal, voda, i drvo - osnovni elementi koji predstavljaju energiju prirode (Qì), vitalnu energiju. Kod njih su rađeni različiti tretmani za fizički i psihički oporavak, uključujući tretmani za mišiće bol i energetski disbalans. Ovi materijali su u početku bili rustikalni i teški, a iako su pomogli, u vrijeme aplikacija koju su izazvali poteškoće za one koji ih primjenjuju zbog oblika i težine drveta. Kasnije, krajem 1990-ih, specijalisti iz Kolumbije, nakon nekoliko godina studija u oblasti alternativne terapije, dali novi život ovoj drevnoj tehnici.Počeli su razvijati drvene instrumente koji više odgovaraju anatomiji tijela, što je omogućavalo da se koriste direktno na kožu pacijenta uz veću lakoću i udobnost. Terapija drvetom u ono vrijeme i danas se sastoji od izvođenja masaže uz korištenje raznih drveno posuđe od različitih veličina i oblika, posebno dizajniranih da se prilagode različitim dijelovima našeg tijela. Za azijsku zajednicu, drvo predstavlja primarnu snagu za život i rast. Isto tako, drvo je odlično što znači za šamane drugih kultura, jer se vjerovalo da je drveće životni oblik energije.
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